TAS PowerTek Ltd.
Leading through Technology

Lighting Control Energy Saver for Fluorescent Lamps

Single Phase Lighting Controller

Features :

The Lighting Controller unit offers a complete solution for Fluorescent Lighting applications with energy saving and PF improvement.

The unit comprises of controller , a high efficiency voltage reduction unit, Smart switching unit and PF improvement unit .

Energy Saving is achieved by the advanced design and intelligent logic of the controller .

They come equipped with following outstanding features :

1) ON/OFF Controls of Lamps : Fix time as per preset in controller.

2) Energy Saving : By reducing the voltage applied to lamps during non peak hours (programmable) and during over voltage condition.

3) Flicker Free Operation : Using fast and highly advanced high speed thyristorised switching logic called “Gapless Changeover”.

4) PF Improvement : By adding capacitor to compensate for inductive VAR for approximately 50 % of load.

5) Manual Operation : For “Out of Schedule” operation and testing of unit during commissioning.

TAS PowerTek Ltd.
TAS PowerTek Ltd. User Manual